
Rev. J.D. Georlett

Senior Pastor and Head of Staff


402-558-2330 ex. 101

Rev. J.D. Georlett is the Senior Pastor and Head of Staff at Dundee Presbyterian Church. He started at Dundee in December 2016. He has more than twenty years of pastoral experience. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. He has also done doctoral work at Dubuque Theological Seminary in Dubuque, IA. You will find that he loves to preach and teach with humor and passion, and with the Bible always at the center of his ministry. He loves all aspects of church ministry —mission, worship, fellowship, education. The Christian Church exists for the purpose of raising up and training disciples of Jesus Christ. This is our purpose. This is our reason for being.

J.D. is married to Laura. They have three children, Pierce, Kayla and Grant. He loves to golf, read and bake the best cinnamon rolls in the entire world.


Regina Wilson

Director of Congregational Care


402-558-2330 ex. 116

Regina has been a member at DPC since 1994, and joined our staff in 2008 as a faith community nurse. She began as a volunteer, then moved to part time and as of 2019 she has become the Director of Congregational Care. Regina leads our Deacon ministry, facilitates GriefShare groups and personal grief support, oversees our Tai Chi ministry, pastoral care visits in hospitals, care facilities and home visits. Regina has been a nurse since 1976 and has served in homecare and hospice, nursing administration, behavioral health, orthopedic’s and long-term care.

Regina has 2 granddaughters, Zora and Mavis, that she loves to bring along with her on visits. They bring so much joy to her life and to the people they visit. Regina enjoys the beach cooking, riding her bike and spending time with her friends and family.


Christine Benedix

Director of Preschool and Nursery
402-558-2330 ex. 110

Christine Benedix is the Preschool Director and Nursery Director at Dundee. She returns for her eighteenth year at The Wonder Place in 2022. Her educational background is in art and architectural history/post-secondary education. She worked to update her teaching skills to include early education when she became the Preschool Director at Dundee. She has been Dundee’s Nursery Director since 1999. Christine enjoys sharing the joys of exploration and experimentation with her students. Instilling a love for learning has always been her top priority.


Liz Schaben

Director of Children’s Ministry
lschaben@dpcomaha.org 402-558-2330

Liz is Director of Children’s Ministry and joined Dundee staff in 2021.  Liz has a master’s degree in STEM education from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. She has been involved in educating children for over 30 years and joined Dundee Presbyterian Church with her family in 2009 and did many years of volunteer services for the church. She has also served as a children’s leader for BSF since 2015.  

She is passionate about teaching and God’s will.  Using her God-given gift to spread the good news of Jesus is a dream come true.  Liz is married to Chris and has been blessed with five children, Elise, David, Thomas, Daniel, and Madeline.  


Meredith Moellenbeck

Director of Youth Ministries
402-558-2330 ex. 106

Meredith Moellenbeck is the Director of Youth Ministries at Dundee.  She has been on staff at Dundee since May 2015. Meredith has a bachelors degree in communication studies from University of Nebraska-Omaha. Meredith grew up at Dundee Church and began volunteering with the youth after graduating high school. 

She is passionate about Jesus, God’s word and ministering to students. Meredith is married to AJ and they two sons Jack and Charlie. She loves to garden and spend time with her family and friends. 



Jonathan Mueller

Director of Music Ministries
402-558-2330 ex. 111

Jonathan Mueller is the Director of Music Ministries at Dundee Presbyterian Church. He has been on staff since July of 2014.  Jonathan has a bachelors degree in music education and a master’s degree in choral conducting both from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. At Dundee, Jonathan works with all aspects of music and worship. He leads music for both 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM services and works with the A/V team. He coordinates music needs for funerals, weddings, and special events at the church.

Jonathan loves to travel with his wife Kristina, especially to Disney World.


Jann Jarosz

Director of Operations
402-558-2330 ex. 103

Jann is Director of Operations. She has been at Dundee since birth and has served in many different roles through those years. Jann even spent one year as the Interim Youth Director. Jann worked at Parables Christian bookstore for 14 years before making a career change and taking a position at Dundee in October of 2012. Jann likes to spend her time doing photography. Her love of missions, mountains and family keeps her supplied with plenty of subject matter.

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Heather Ruhter

402-558-2330 ex 104

Heather is the Comptroller at Dundee and joined the staff in 2020.  Heather has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration/Accounting from the University of Nebraska-Omaha, and has her CPA certificate. Heather has over 20 years experience with church and nonprofit accounting and has a heart to serve the church with her financial and accounting expertise. Heather enjoys utilizing systems to make routine processes more efficient and has been a systems trainer with ShelbyNext for over a year.

Heather is married to Bryan and they have two girls, Emily and Megan. Emily lives in Arizona and they love when they can travel there to be together and enjoy the warmth!

Heather’s office hours are: Mondays 12pm – 3pm;
Tuesdays 11:30am – 2:30pm; Thursdays: 7:45am – 11:45am


Dr. Wayne Kallstrom

402-558-2330 ex. 112

Wayne joined the staff as organist at Dundee Presbyterian Church in 1982. He has held similar positions in churches in Des Moines, IA, East Rochester, NY and Spokane, WA. Dr.Kallstrom currently teaches at the University of Nebraska-Omaha and the College of Saint Mary following teaching assignments at Whitworth College (Spokane), Oklahoma State University (Stillwater), Minot State College(Minot, ND) and Northwestern Oklahoma State University(Alva). For entertainment Wayne likes to read, walk and attend Nebraska football games.



Faith Community NURSES


Julie Mohlman

Faith Community Nurse

Rosalee Yeaworth

Faith Community Nurse

Rosalee moved to Omaha in 1979, to become Dean of the UNMC College of Nursing.  Rosalee holds Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees in Nursing, and a PhD in Sociology from UC. Rosalee served as Dean for 15 years before taking a year’s sabbatical and teaching half-time for 3 more years.  After retiring Rosalee became active in volunteering with AARP, serving for six years on their National Policy Council.  She also served as a Deacon, Trustee, and Elder at Dundee.  She became a Faith Community Nurse in 2008 and has served as a volunteer with Dundee since.  Because of the Faith Community Nursing, Rosalee has held an RN license for 68 years.  She has three children, three grandchildren and lots of great grandchildren.  Rosalee recently moved to the Arboretum, where there are several other Dundee Presbyterian Church members.  She enjoys the programs at the Arboretum and especially enjoys playing golf with Susan. 




Ed Hornig


Josh Petersen

